Renato Zanella

How did you start your activity in the dancing world and why did you choose ballet? 
It was a beautiful coincidence, participating as an extra in a Giselle performance. I felt in love with that art and it never stopped. 
I was very shy and not speaking much, I find that with dance I could express my self more. Thanks the choreography I continue this process of communication which for me is very important.

Which is your dearest dancing story in which you were involved? How it is special? 

Romeo and Juliet is definitely my favorite one. I am from Verona and  this story is everywhere. 
Another reason is that I was for 20 years involved with the John Cranko version, in Stuttgart and in Vienna. I adored it and helped me to grow up artistically. 
My first version in 2012 in Athen. This story is still developing in me that I decided to create a new one for ONB. 
I was happy to gain three top designers for Stage, Costume and Light: Alessandro Camera, Carla Ricotti and Vinicio Cheli.

What do you feel during dance and making choreography for an art story? 
An energy in me that can take me anywhere and a feeling of freedom. My profession became what I most like to do and this is create. 
I was still a dancer and a young choreographer when I met Maurice Bejart. He told me that to crate is a mission and if we have this feeling in us has to be followed. Never stop create, he said, you maybe be remember for few of them but you need them all to grow. He was so right.

What are your main joys making happen this wonderful artistic pieces that we art lovers enjoy watching?
For me is the whole creative process. From the premiere that it belongs to the dancers, their talent to carry it farther and to the public. 
When at the and of all I see my artist happy for what they did and the public pleased for what they saw it is an unique feeling. 
What you see is a two hours show which was produced by hundreds of people in the most different sectors after many weeks of work. They are all part of it.

How do you define being authentic through dance? 
Say what you have inside. Be sincere with the artist you have around. Be tuff when you have to help artist to go over their limits. 
It is all about vibrations and emotions. For me is never about steps.

Every artistic show says something to the public, how do you want for the "Romeo and Juliet" to be perceived by people who will come to National Opera of Bucharest?
My goal is that the public feels any aspect of this story and being carry away. This should say the story of an endless love as we all know. I have just my way to narrate and to create a frame around it with respect and care. 
Our dancers are doing an amazing work and are ready to meet their public. It is great to see how much they understood my way and I cannot wait to enjoy them too. 
